Since 1998, SculptFest, our annual site-specific installation exhibition, has inspired a wide range of contemporary artists to “think outside the box.”
SculptFest23 "Re:-Extraction" by Bill Botzow
SculptFest23 "A Beautiful Question" by Lee Williams
SculptFest23 "Untitled" by Brigitte Grenier
SculptFest23 "To/From" by Jonny Farrow
SculptFest23 " be continued" by Margaret Wiss
Theme: Communing with Nature
Guest Curator:
Gabe Strader-Brown
Exhibiting Artists:
Robert Aiosa, Bill Botzow, Isa Dray, Jonny Farrow, Brigitte Grenier, Jill Magi, Maya Murphy, Florian Okwu, Lee Williams, Margaret Wiss
Theme: Games
Guest Curator:
Evan Morse
Exhibiting Artists:
Haley Kean, Dway Lunkad, John Morris & Maya Murphy, Samantha Newman, Melissa Shaak, Laurie Sheridan, Phil Whitman
Theme: artifact
Guest Curator:
Steve Shaheen
Exhibiting Artists:
Bill Botzow, Carolyn Enz Hack, Declan Kearns & Samantha Newman, Jessica Leete, Susan Maas, Beth McReynolds, MOR, Madeline Pritchard, Meghan Rigali, Laura Travis
Theme: Changes
Guest Curator:
Bill Wolff
Exhibiting Artists:
Kadazia Allen-Perry, Carol Driscoll, Lila Ferber, Haley Kean, Thomas Kearns, Geoffrey Krist, Jessica Leete, Susan Maas, Jake Paron, Moonshine Shorey, Nora Valdez
Theme: Interdependence
Guest Curator:
Alisa Dworsky
Exhibiting Artists:
Charles Hickey, Amy Königbauer, Sophia Latysheva, Jessica Leete, Nathaniel Lieb, Susan Maas, Indigo Naar, Sayward Schoonmaker, Lynn Sullivan, Sam Talbot-Kelly
Theme: The State of Hope
Guest Curator:
Whitney Ramage
Exhibiting Artists:
Jessica Adams, Lila Ferber, Charles Hickey, Yasunari Izaki, Kate Katomski, Tom Kearns, John Morris with Maya Murphy, Gary Parzych, Rick Rothrock, Ryan Smitham, Joanna Sokolowska
Theme: Forecast Now
Guest Curator:
Taylor Apostol
Exhibiting Artists:
Johanna Becerra, Dalila Bennett, Tamara Berdichevsky, Ray Ciemny, Charlie Hickey, Jessica Leete, Desmond Lewis, Beth Miller, Chris Miller, Alexander Jose Ramirez, Rick Rothrock, Gordon Wright
Theme: Memory Work
Guest Curator:
dj Hellerman
Exhibiting Artists:
Robert Bennett, Jr., Katherine Langlands, Mark Lorah, Zoë Marr Hilliard, Stella Marrs, Angus McCullough, Samuel Spellman, Mary Zompetti
Theme: When the Work Stops and it becomes more than it was
Guest Curator:
Sanford Mirling
Exhibiting Artists:
Taylor Apostol, Colin Boyd, Marisa Di Paolo, Kate Katomski and Judd Mulkerin, Evan Morse, Julie Anne Nagle, Alexander Russo, Gary and Erika Lawlor Schmidt, Nora Valdez, Levi Westerveld, Cha Tori
Theme: Historical Markers
Guest Curator:
Phil Whitman
Exhibiting Artists:
Glenn Campbell, Josie Dellenbaugh, Maeve Doolan, Ashley Goodwyn, Evan Morse, Rick Rothrock, Oliver Schemm, Kate Weigel, Brian Zegeer
Theme: Keep on Keepin’ on
Guest Curator:
Adam Frelin
Exhibiting Artists:
Taylor Apostol, Maxwell Brake, Marisa Di Paola, Maeve Doolan, Iva Fabrikant, Scott Garren and Jim Reid, Cecelia Kane, Heather Molin, James A. Van Duyne, Chris Wells, Phil Whitman
Theme: Forces of Nature
Guest Curator:
Rick Rothrock
Exhibiting Artists:
Marisa Di Paola, Erica Ehrenbard, Crystal Ellis, Isabelle Garbani, Brigitte Grenier, Erica Johnson, Jessica Leete, Zoë Marr and Paul Hilliard, R.G. Solbert, Andrew Thomas, Chris Wells
Theme: Messages from the Future... where are we going next?
Guest Curator:
Robert Black
Exhibiting Artists:
Josie Dellenbaugh, Marisa Di Paola, Caroline Gold, Jessica Leete, Zoë Marr, Elizabeth Michelman, Russell Prigodich, Jodi Puckett, Jacques Talbot, Casey Wright
Theme: FIGURE/GROUND: the object in situ
Guest Curator:
Fran Bull
Exhibiting Artists:
Michelle Acuff, Robert Black, Marisa Di Paola, Jessica Leete, Zoë Marr, Elizabeth Michelman and Louise Farrell, R.G. Solbert, Jesse Williams
Theme: Human Interventions and the Industrial Landscape
Guest Curator:
Carlos Dorrien
Exhibiting Artists:
Jonathan LaFarge, Brooke
Nuckles, Mick Mather, Mary Mead, Rod Northcutt, Gary Orlinsky, Meghan Rigali, Rick
Rothrock, Benjamin Todd, Gill Whiting -
Theme: Nature and Transcendence
Guest Curator:
Bill Ramage
Exhibiting Artists:
Jonathan Bechard, Carol
Driscoll, Jessica Leete, Elisabeth Marsh, Pat Musick, Persi Narvaez and Kevin Oduor, Michael Smith, Piper Strong, John Tidd, Nora Valdez, Allison Warren, Shannon Wright -
Theme: Extraterrestrial
Guest Curator:
Don Eyles
Exhibiting Artists:
Jonathan Bechard, Charlet Davenport with Peter Blodgett, Alicia Deya, Marisa Di Paola, John Gardner & Brett
Tetro, Dennis Grady & Elizabeth Mayor, Yoshimura Noriyuki, Colleen Paz, Ean White -
Theme: Approaching the Infinite
Guest Curator:
Mark S. Waskow
Exhibiting Artists:
Gordon Auchincloss, Dave Blumenthal, Chris Curtis, Lars Fisk, Leslie Fry, Ruth Hamilton, The Iron Guild, Antoinette Jacobson, John Matusz, Mary Mead, Christopher Nitsche, Torin Porter, Leonard Rachita, Deborah Redwood
Theme: Site/Countersite
Guest Curator:
Matthew Weber
Exhibiting Artists:
Blanca Liria Arnedo Asio, Ria Blaas, Kate Dodd, Richard Garrison & William Bergman, Lisa Hein, Rula Jones, Wendy Klemperer, Mark Shoffner & Rebecca Herman, Oona Stern
Theme: boundaries
Guest Curator:
Mara Williams
Exhibiting Artists:
Elizabeth Billings and Michael Sacca, Mary Cooke, Barbara and Norton Garber, Mei Ling Hom, Ed Levine, Kathleen Schneider, Carolyn Webb
Theme: SculptFest01
Guest Curator:
Jim Florschutz
Exhibiting Artists:
Ahren Ahrenholtz, Bob Boemig, Ian Eisenmann, Daniel Ladd, Stephanie Nichols, Hector Santos, Gaal Shepherd, Ronnie Solbert, Bart Uchida, Meg Walker, Andy Wasserman
Theme: SculptFest2000
Guest Curator:
Knox Cummin
Exhibiting Artists:
Bill Botzow, Barbra Cieslicki, Don Eyles, Jim Florschutz, Charlotte Hastings, Whit Humphreys, Sue Katz, Daniel Pittman, Li Shen, R.G. Solbert
Theme: SculptFest99 - art beyond object
Guest Curator:
Janan Compitello
Exhibiting Artists:
Frank Anjo, Marc Barreda, Anthony Cafritz, Carlos Dorrien, Jill Epstein, Jeff Feld, Sean Folley, Stephan Fowlkes, Daniel Richmond, Gregory Smith, John Umphlett, Zac Ward, Andrea Wasserman
Theme: SculptFest98 - art beyond object
Guest Curator:
Carol Driscoll
Exhibiting Artists:
B. Amore, Anthony Cafritz, Charlet Davenport, Woody Dorsey, Jim Florschutz, Peter Harris, Jackie Holan, Whit Humphreys, Delia Robinson, Gary Haven Smith, Masaharu Suzuki