Call to Artists Sculpfest25

West Rutland, VT - The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center (CSSC) invites artists to submit proposals for SculptFest25, for exhibition from September 6 – October 19. The name for this year’s outdoor exhibition is MOREL SUPPORT, guest curated by Andrew Brehm, sculptor and teacher at Columbia University.  Andrew's work includes performance, sculpture, and video. He teaches a workshop at the CSSC in paper sculpture. 

Mushroom enthusiasts are invited to submit proposals for this year's exhibition centered around the theme of fungus.  Mycological artworks can be representative of mushrooms or incorporate the real thing.  Artists can forage deep connections to the folkloric or mystical intrigue of mushrooms.  

This is an opportunity to throw our support behind these unsung decomposers.  Because after all, couldn’t we all use a little morel support? 

SculptFest25 installations will be located along the CSSC sculpture trail and some indoor spaces. Artists should make the following considerations for the installation designs: 

  • No electric service on trail  
  • Electronic devices for outside installation should be low-maintenance and weather-proof, preferably to last at least 6 weeks.  
  • The outdoor installations will be in a forested area, please consider wildlife interaction and unpredictable weather events.  

Artists are invited to submit proposals for sculpture, installation, video, or performance to be exhibited on the outdoor walking path of the CSSC historic grounds in West Rutland, VT. Applicants are encouraged to propose projects relating to the natural environment. Examples include but are not limited to work reflecting form, material, and texture to the natural landscape and its’ objects, materials and objects interacting with the natural environment, or projects incorporating the history of the landscape. The trail is accessible seven days a week during daylight hours; for those wishing to make an appointment, please contact the CSSC directly. 

Applications are due Monday, June 9, 2025, and should include: 

  • A one-page project description. 
  • Clearly labeled drawings or equivalent representations of the proposed project. 
  • Artist’s resume (no more than two pages).
  • Up to 10 images and/or videos of previous work (jpeg or pdf format).
  • An image list with material, scale, location, and a brief summary of each work. 
  • A brief artist statement of no more than 250 words. 
  • Social media handle and website address (if applicable).  


Sculptfest25 Schedule of Events:

Artist applications due: Monday, June 9, 2025

Finalists notified on or before: Monday, June 23, 2025

Artwork installation: Friday, August 22 through Thursday, September 4, 2025 (or by appointment)

Opening reception: 5pm – 8pm, Saturday, September 6, 2025

Exhibition closing date: Sunday, October 19, 2025


Please mail proposals to: Sculptfest25, The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center, P.O. Box 495, West Rutland, VT 05777, or email to

The artist call is posted on the CSSC website at

The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts education organization.

For more information, please contact 802-438-2097, or visit us at